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© Crown copyright 2005 Reproduced under licence from OGC

Managing Product Delivery views the project from the Team Manager’s perspective, while the Controlling a Stage process views it from the Project Manager’s perspective.
The Team Manager ensures that products are created and delivered by the team to the project by:
- Accepting and checking authorized Work Packages from the Project Manager
- Ensuring that interfaces identified in the Work Package are maintained
- Creating a Team Plan for the Work Packages being assigned (where this may be done in parallel with the Project Manager creating the Stage Plan for the management stage)
- Ensuring that the products are developed in accordance with any development method(s) specified in the Work Package
- Demonstrating that each product meets its quality criteria through the quality method(s) specified in the Product Description – this may include using the PRINCE2® quality review technique (see the section covering ‘Quality’)
- Obtaining approval for completed products from the authorities identified in the Product Description
- Delivering the products to the Project Manager in accordance with any procedures specified in the Work Package.
If the project uses external suppliers that are not using PRINCE2, Managing Product Delivery provides a statement of the required interface between the Team Manager and the PRINCE2 method being used in the project by the Project Manager.
The Work Package may be part of a contractual agreement.
Therefore, the formality of a Team Plan could vary from simply appending a schedule to the Work Package, to creating a fully formed plan that is presented in a similar style to a Stage Plan.
PRINCE2® is a Registered Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries.
This product contains EVERYTHING in the publications:
Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 - 2005 edition
Managing successful Projects with PRINCE2 – 2009 edition
Directing Projects with PRINCE2.
The Complete Project Management package.
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