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Time management - Other errors

Other errors

Non predictable

Naturally, this sort of time waster is non predictable otherwise you would have prevented it.
It is possible that you may have received work from an individual with minor errors which you have corrected yourself. If this is the case, it may be a sign of greater errors around the corner. Take action before it is too late.
Some of the possible key areas that may give rise to problems are below.


Some people will perform below their potential and not know it and will not even be aware that they have produced poor quality material.
It will be up to you to point it out. Do this in a polite and constructive way in private.
Did they understand what you required? Have they had the relevant experience? Did they do it or did they, in fact, delegate it?

Motivation and empowerment

Many people’s performance drops owing to poor motivation.
Were they included in deciding what information was required?
Were they told to do it with little manners and little explanation?
Do they have personal issues that may have contributed to the poor performance?

For someone that you know well you will often be able to easily spot a drift in their performance.
Take the time to try to find out if a lack of enthusiasm and interest is at the heart of the problem.


The person generating the information you need may lack experience, knowledge and specific skills?
This is unlikely to be their fault. Either you have employed the wrong person or they need extra training.
Identify the gaps and put a training programme into operation.

The person supplying you with the information may not have been given the job by you. If someone else asked them to supply the information check firstly that they were clear what was required. Then consider alternative options. You may need to discuss the individual with their boss to identify any training needs etc.


Many errors are just a failure to check the work.
Was it pressure or an inability to check any work? Point out the benefits of checking. If necessary, ask them to get others to audit the work before it is finalised.

Input v output

You think you’re getting a banana and you get an apple. Not that there’s anything wrong with apples.
Always make sure it is clear what you want. Deadlines, format, topic etc. Then check with the individual that they are also clear. Put it in writing.