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Leadership functions

Leadership functions


In order to be a leader of a team you will have to carry out particular functions as part of task completion and the management of the team.


This will require many skills.
It will include setting a vision, setting goals and objectives.
Thinking about work breakdown structures and putting the whole lot together in a schedule.


Having got plans and schedules in place a leader will then need to monitor and control any deviations from the plan.


A leader will need to evaluate strategic options and the various risks involved.
He or she will need to evaluate the efficiency of the team.


You must brief your team on the goals and explain the key issues behind the project or vision.
Providing latest data and information.
Clarifying particular needs and developing any ideas.

Personnel support

It is important to recognise good performance.
You will need to provide guidance, coaching and other advice as necessary.
Leadership development within your team is critical to future success.
This will also include any disciplinary action as necessary.


A leader has a lot to think about and a lot to organise.
It’s impossible for him or her to do it all so he or she must delegate.