A Team Plan is produced by a Team Manager to facilitate the execution of one or more Work Packages.
Team Plans are optional; their need and number will be determined by the size and complexity of the project and the number of resources involved.
PRINCE2® does not prescribe the format or composition of a Team Plan.
There may be more than one team on a project and each team may come from separate organizations following different project management standards (not necessarily PRINCE2).
In some customer/supplier contexts it could even be inappropriate for the Project Manager to see the details of a supplier’s Team Plan; instead, summary information would be provided sufficient for the Project Manager to exercise control.
Therefore the formality of the Team Plan could vary from simply appending a schedule to the Work Package to a fully formed plan in similar style to a Stage Plan.
The Team Manager(s) may create their Team Plans in parallel with the Project Manager creating the Stage Plan for the management stage.
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